10 Python Tips for Writing Better Code

Rahul Keshav
2 min readJan 2, 2023


As a Python developer, it’s important to constantly strive to write efficient, readable, and maintainable code. In this blog, we’ll cover 10 tips and tricks for doing just that.

Tip #1: Use inline assignment to swap variables. Instead of writing code like this:

temp = x 
x = y
y = temp

You can use inline assignment to accomplish the same thing in just one line:

x, y = y, x

Tip #2: Use the ternary operator to condense if-else statements. The ternary operator, also known as the conditional operator, allows you to write a simple if-else statement in a single line. Here’s an example:

x = 10 
y = 5
max_val = x if x > y else y

Tip #3: Use generator expressions to create generators on the fly. Generator expressions are like list comprehensions, but they create generators instead of lists. They’re useful when you need to iterate over a large sequence and don’t want to create a new list in memory.

Tip #4: Use the “with” statement to automatically close file handles. The “with” statement allows you to open a file and automatically close it when you’re done, even if an exception is raised.

Tip #5: Use the “enum” module to define enumerations. Enumerations are a way to define a set of symbolic names and assign them to unique values. The “enum” module makes it easy to create and work with enumerations in Python.

Tip #6: Use the “functools” module to create higher-order functions. The “functools” module provides a number of utility functions for working with functions, including the “partial” function, which allows you to create a new function with some of the arguments pre-filled.

Tip #7: Use the “itertools” module to work with iterators. The “itertools” module provides a number of functions for working with iterators, including the “accumulate” function, which returns a running total of a sequence, and the “chain” function, which combines multiple iterators into a single iterator.

Tip #8: Use the “operator” module to simplify complex operations. The “operator” module provides a number of functions for working with operators, such as “add” and “mul”. These functions can be useful for simplifying complex operations and making your code more readable.

Tip #9: Use list comprehensions to create lists more efficiently. List comprehensions are a concise way to create lists by iterating over a sequence and applying a transformation to each element. They can be faster and more memory-efficient than using a loop and appending to a list.

Tip #10: Use the “timeit” module to measure the performance of your code. The “timeit” module allows you to measure the execution time of small bits of Python code. This can be useful for comparing the performance of different implementations or optimizing your code.

By following these tips, you can write better Python code that is easier to read, easier to maintain, and more efficient. Happy coding!



Rahul Keshav
Rahul Keshav

Written by Rahul Keshav

Hi, I am a data science enthusiast with a passion for automating processes and uncovering insights from data.

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